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Jan 12, 2024
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By all means, give Michael Hoffman a read. Yeah, you will have to flinch and grimace where he calls St Alphonsus Ligouri a Mary-Worshipper. But I trust you have a pair and you can get past that and meanwhile start to ask yourself why the Vatican has a Phallic obelisk dominating the square.

Oh sure, they put a Cross on it. Good job boys. By the same token I suppose you could construct a Pentagram and put in each sector one of the Five Wound on Our Lord Jesus Christ. Or how about a Baphomet holding a Rosary- the Luminous Mysteries would be perfect. As Pope Frantic Showed with Pachamama and Gotchapapa, the possibilities are endless.

A month ago I told my aunt that New Years used to be March 25th and my agnostic contrarian uncle laughed and looked it up online, and saw that, by golly, the Wolf was correct. Yes, we not only have Railroad Time Zones, we have a Lodge Calendar.

In just another few weeks it will be another Ground Hog Day in the asylum. For us Catholics, it is Holy Candlemas Day, the commemoration of the First Sorrow of Our Lady, and the perfect transition to the austerity of Lent. (But this year, Septuagesima is the last Sunday of January, so no more parties after the last Thursday in January.)

Penance, penance, penance.

Viva Cristo Rey!

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