The Great Interview of Bishop Strickland on the Taylor Marshall show just had to happen- it’s how the shills roll. For starters, this Wolf will give Bishop Strickland credit for attributing his forbearance- if one can call it that- to Our Lady and the Rosary. He also claims that a "crisis" among the hierarchy exists, and that the whole "Cardinal McCarrick Affair" is still afflicting the church. (You don't say?) Unfortunately, that is as close to hardball as these two are going to get. In the interview, over an hour long, Our Lady of Fatima is not mentioned once. Neither is Vatican II, nor the abomination of the "New Mass". No, we are supposed to be grateful because Bishop Strickland has taken his deposition with Saintly Resignation, and cheerfully embraces suffering. He is tempted to bitter thoughts, which he apparently confessed, but Thank God he has not acted on them. Meanwhile, he prays for Pope Frantic to convert- Imagine that; praying for the pope to convert. But such is life on Clown Planet.
Predictably, the Taylor Marshall Amen Corner devotees are all clapping like trained seals, which, to paraphrase Padme I'm-A-Dolly, is how the Institutional Church dies- to thunderous applause. And so we have a wonderful example here of the Bishop Schneider Doctrine- nothing we can do about Francis. Just accept his unjust pronouncements, turn the other cheek, and ride off into the sunset. As for Bishop Strickland's flock... well, they just have to accept whatever tyranny comes their way. "Nothing I can do." And if they want to be "schismatic"... they can just be damned. Apparently, what Pontius Pilate did concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ- washing one's hands of the whole affair so as not to upset the status quo- is now a virtue. Another lesson for the Sheeple. Just obey, obey, and obey and submit, submit, submit all the way to the cliff or the slaughter. These people seem to forget that Our Lord Jesus Christ did not just walk over to the Jews and turn himself in; He was betrayed by one of his closest brethren.
In the course of the interview Bishop Strickland keeps protesting how dumb he is. He refers to Archbishop Vigano and says he does not understand all the minutiae of the arguments but somebody has to have that dialog. He says he is just a bishop and must carry on as such, persevering in prayer and learning how to do penance. (Apparently he has discovered Advent after all these years, and claims he is actually going to some penance for the season. Well, it's a start.)
This is along the lines of Michael Matt's comments on his coverage of the synod at Rome, where he made the amazing discovery that these prelates are as dumb as stacked bricks, and need to be catechized and evangelized. Imagine that- the Vatican needing to be taught the Catholic Faith. Just another day in Clown Church.
Folks, color this Wolf Sadistic, (Though he has not a hateful bone in his makeup, wanting only to weep with Our Lady at the Foot of the Cross), but this is just another episode of the March of the Shills, and what Bishop Strickland and Taylor Marshall are doing is cold and calculated. They are crafting two polar camps that are going to clash in the coming months- Archbishop Vigano leading the charge of the "Sedevacantists" while Bishop Schneider heralds the "Recognize-And-Resist" crowd. This is going to be brutal politics, in which each side is going to hurl the other out of the "Church". Yes, this is what we need. More invective. More polemics. More Tweetstorms. Anything and everything to distract us from devotion to the Immaculate Heart and perseverance in the recitation of the Most Holy Rosary.
Should not Team Frantic have anticipated that Bishop Strickland would become a Martyr and ordered him to keep silent, or, better yet, check into a Carmelite enclosure, where they can absolutely control everything the way Pius XII controlled St Sr Lucia of Fatima? Obviously, Team Frantic is producing martyrs- on Deck, Cardinal Burke- in order to arouse the various Amen Corners to indignation and consternation, and all the while shills like Bishops Schneider and Strickland shrug their shoulders asking "What can we do?" And meanwhile, Archbishop Vigano, the Man of Action, is campaigning to throw the Bum Francis out, as though that is any solution. (Vigano might want to reflect that it was a Conclave of Pederast Birdbrains that gave us Pope Frantic. Who would you like to see squatting on the Chair of Peter next? Wuerl? Maybe Fr Jimmy Martin. Or how about the Peruvian Kisser?)
Let's face it. At this point the best option is for Putin to blow the Lateran to smithereens.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!