Jul 16, 2023Liked by White Wolf

That's why its critical to call civil-war 1860's as 2.0, and 1776 as 1.0, and 2025 as 3.0

Lincon was a HOMO agent of UK bankers, got the USA in debt to fund his war, couldn't repay and London took ownership of DC in 1871

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I don't know if it panned out in exactly that manner, but I could not agree with you more about the "Civil War". General Sherman did much more than make Georgia Howl. He introduced the world to the Masonic philosophy of total war.

So far as I know, the valiant Carlist defenders of the Alkazar during the "Spanish Civil War" were the only ones to realize the proper attitude towards Masonry and its fellow travelers: You do not negotiate; you do not surrender, because this enemy will give you NO QUARTER.

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023

Well the one common denominator like BUSH family said about founding fathers and compared them to al-cia-duh (afghan) mujaheddin is that everybody in the MASONIC cult was always a sodomite

Of course RINO men who ass rape other men are not GAY or HOMO, like in the movie shawshank-redemption, they're psychopaths; Not loving gay men.

Like J Edgar Hoover FBI found and life director, a sodomist whose only passion was to ass rape men.

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I would not have put it quite that way, but I essentially agree. What goes on in the underbelly of the Beast is certainly not pretty.

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