WW - Yes Sir! I concur that the treachery and apostasy was well underway prior to 1900. For Our Holy Mother to come in 1917 to tell of the current and future trouble, obviously means that there were deep issues preceding Our Lady of Fatima's first appearance on 13 May 1917. As for SSPX and Lefebvrists, all I can say is I go to mass there when I can, not close at all. There is not really any option and Novus Ordo is not Catholic to me. So, I do have to deal with 1962 missal and rubric and calendar and with some priests who think V2 is the only bright line and everyone prior to John XXIII is auto-canonizable. Out Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

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Yes, you seem to have much the same view I do. I used to subscribe to the view of the SSPX but then just too many blips started appearing on the radar. In fact, there were two books that really got me thinking about 20 years ago. One is Fatima in Twilight, and the other was one of the SSPX's own books- The Liturgical Revolution, from Guearnger to Beauradin to Bugnini. And I began to really wonder about Pius XII when I learned it was he who started the liturgical commission.

I have come to see Archbishop Lefebvre in a completely different light, and think he was a "honeypot" to get Catholic Traditionalists away from the important issues- developing Catholic communities and debating whether the Vatican II "sacraments" are even valid, and whether the Apostolic Succession is in fact being jeapordized, and focusing instead on "Sedevacantism", the "'62 Missal", and microanalyzing all the VII Documents and the acts of the "Counciliar Popes", which just gave us Catholic Soap Opera.

I think both the defection of "The Nine" and also the whole "Bishop Williamson Affair" were completely orchestrated, in retrospect. All the lawsuits, the rancor, and the betrayals were just so much theatre to keep us distracted. So was the "split" caused by the 1988 episcopal consecrations between the FSSP and the SSPX, with both sides hurling anathemas at each other. Just more theatre.

Priests like Fr James Wathan and Fr Gomer Depau were much closer to the target, but they were dismissed by the mainline camps as being "wacko vagus priests".

And then you had all the interference generated by Proffesional Catholics like Michael Davies and agents like Malachi Martin.

You really have to give the devil his due.

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Thank you WW! Read all your posts on substack. Great analysis! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! Lord, have mercy. Christus Vincit!

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Well, thanks for the support. Yes, you really carpet bombed the place with likes. But I hope to live and die an Apostle for Our Lady of Fatima, and hope to spread the Truth.

So few want to really know and love the Truth, I fear. The vast majority of Traditional Catholics just seem to want to return to the America as it was under the reign of Pius XII, which is the furthest thing from the Christian City imaginable, a world where a false peace reigned in a false church which no longer opposed the world.

Many priests in the SSPX think Pius XII was the greatest thing since sliced bread. They got that attitude from Archbishop Lefebvre, who never criticized anybody prior to Pope John XXIII, and gave us this false dictum that the "crisis" only started with Vatican II.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Very interesting prediction

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