Mar 29Liked by White Wolf

First things first: a fruitful Passiontide to you Wolf and to all Catholics and heretic Christians frequenting this place.

I thought you might be interested in one of the few non-Trad Catholic authors whose work I follow online for his speculations overlap with your final paragraphs above. Now, I will say that with regard to anyone and anything that lacks a nihil obstat and imprimatur predating the 1960's (and acknowledging your thoughts that we should be cautious back to the 1300's) my jury is very much out, including with you dear Wolf! Prudence demands it.

So I certainly have concerns with the gentleman whose channel I will shortly link, not least that I'm always agog that one who knows the nature of the esoteric evil forces arraigned against humanity, can still not publicly get off the fence and at least start an explicit journey towards the One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Faith. Secondly my understanding is that the Kabbalists actually get more traction when we profane masses speculate on their manifestations - it amounts to a form of immanentisation of the eschaton and they absolutely relish provoking us into assisting them in their manifestations. At the same time, I very much acknowledge that we follow Truth Himself and we must do what we must to apprehend where, what and in whom truth (therefore Truth) lies - so we have to, in a sense, double bluff the bastards and expose their machinations for the lying lies that they are.

So, worth at least a tentative look, IMO:


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