deletedJan 9
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Most of my "earlier posts" were YouTube Comments, and are lost in what, I am afraid, is becoming just another dumpster fire. I have done extensive research and wrote 15 chapters to a book entitled "Angelic Pastors" where I re-examined many of the Pre-Conciliar Popes, whom many in the SSPX think were saintly. Unfortunately, the drive those were on became corrupted and ceased to function.

My only hope is to get more people taking Our Lady of Fatima, the First Saturdays, the Most Holy Rosary, and the "Crisis in the Church" very seriously. I want to, please God, be one of those Apostles of the Last Times mentioned by St Louis Marie de Montfort.

Regards in the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

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deletedJan 9
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Oh and yes, I view the vast majority of Traditional "commentators" (Trad Inc) as being hopelessly delusional or disinfo shills. Taylor Marshall, for example, supporting Donald Trump long after it was obvious Trump was controlled opposition. Bishop Vigano calling Trump the Katechon. Most people just cannot see through obvious buffoonery. Personally I think it is a sort of spiritual blindness brought about by rationalizing the Novus ordo and refusing to bravely embrace the truth. Oh, we are being played. And how.

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I think I did a post a few months ago about the Occult Renaissance Church of Rome. Michael Hoffman, historically, is over the target. But his theology is a trainwreck. He lambasts St Alphonsus Ligouri for his Mariology. Poor guy is hopelessly Protestant. If he and E Michael Jones could get over themselves they would be a great help to humanity.

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