Yes, there was such a Bishop who recognized the pandemic for what it was i. e. Bishop Daniel Dolan + Of St. Gertrude the Great and said so from the pulpit.

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God bless Bishop Daniel Lytle Dolan if he indeed stood up to the plandemic, and told the dictators in the Cincinnati area to go pound the proverbial sand.

If I recall, Bishop Dolan had some lively exchanges with Fr Jenkins concerning the issues of Sedevacantism back in the day.

Meanwhile, I have had enough experience with the "lineage of Bp. Pierre-Martin Ngo-dinh-Thuc" to know that that is one hot steaming mess. And while I do not doubt the testimonials of especially Fr Cekada, who I consider the most erudite of "The Nine", I also do not doubt that he has not told us the half of it, and took much valuable information about The Bearded One and the Standard Operating Procedure of the SSPX to the grave with him, as well as the locations of many of the proverbial bodies.

My biggest beef against the Sedevacantist Episcopacy- assuming they are validly ordained- is their taking upon themselves the burdens of being successors of the APostles, without having an Apostolic Mandate. While I do believe that the Pope is Frantic, I nevertheless also adhere to the Primacy of St Peter, and that all prelates must be in peace and communion with the Holy Seat, and no man dare usurp that authority. Archbishop Lefebvre made it clear, at least on paper, if not ultimately in praxis (ALAS!!!) that he would not establish a parallel magisterium. And to be fair, Bishop Dolan never did either, at least to the best of my knowledge.

While the Sedevacantist Position has certainly been vindicated after all these years, the logic is still somewhat faulty as far as "Classic Sedevacantism" is concerned. While I agree that Good Pope John was a heretic, how do Pius XII and Pius IX get passes?

Meanwhile, on the whole, the Thuc Bishops are a hodge podge of sloppy liturgy, mediocre analysis, worldiness, and downright corruption in some cases. The primal bishops of the "Thuc Line" have demonstrated a flaming lack of discernment, while their spiritual children obviously lack formation. SOme of them apparently will ordain any Tom Dick or Harry, so long as the price is right. Simony is definitely alive and well in Traditional Circles.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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