In your mind, sir, what constitutes the 'true Church", today?

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The True Church is the One, Holy, Catholic- the word means Universal- and Apostolic Church, founded by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Church consists of all those who have kept the purity of doctrine.

But the church has other marks. It alone has preserved the Institution of Holy Matrimony. "Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." All the other churches allow divorce.

The True Church always suffers persecution.

The True Church is devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The True Church is Eternal. Like God, it has no alteration, or shadow of change. And so its pronouncements, though made centuries ago, are for all times and places.

Hope that helps.

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Yes, most of this I was aware of. The point of my question was then, in your estimation, if and who, be it a society or whatever the case may be, aligns with your definition, if any entity, at all.

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In this time of Great Apostasy, it is evident that the Institutional Catholic Church does not have the Faith, and, for many, this is a dilemma, because they have identified the Vatican as The Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation. Our Lord told His Apostles that: You are the Salt of the Earth, but if the Salt loses its savor, then it is good for nothing but to be trodden underfoot.

He who remains Catholic is he who keeps the faith in its entirety, and strives to live a life of chastity, contemplation, and study, as well as having wholesome recreations, and suchforth.

Today, tragically, there is no society that can be called Catholic, as many have the appearance, but are not holy, or have no Apostolic Mandate. So, in terms of social entities, none qualify for my definition.

That does not mean, however, that, contrary to Our Lord's assurance, the Gates of Hell have not prevailed against the Church.

Such were the times of Elias the Prophet, when it appeared the whole Church had apostatized . God worked a miracle to "reboot" His church.

Quite frankly, at this point, I think nothing short of the Second Coming is going to clean things up.


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Thank you.

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