For over four years, this Wolf has been of the opinion that the period from 2025 to 2031 would see the climax of, first of all, five centuries of revolt that began with Martin Luther in 1517. Secondly, this period will see the Birth Pangs of the coming Age of Our Lady, which corresponds with the Millennium St John wrote in his Apocalypse, which will commence with the First Resurrection. Thirdly, the next five years will see the commencement of the Last Great Age of the World, the first being that from Adam to Noah, the Second from Noah to Moses, the third from Moses to David, the Fourth from David to Our Lord, the Fifth from the Ascension to the Great Schism of 1054, and the Sixth in which we are now living. Each age corresponds to approximately a millennium, and the Seven Ages correspond to the Seven Days of Creation, the First Week of the World.
On December 8th, the official Statue of Our Lady of La Salette began weeping. (This Wolf has documented that the video is not fake and ghey. Several witnesses saw the event and reported it. The church has issued no official statement.) Even more significantly, the Icon of Our Lady in the Church of St Stanislaus also began weeping on December 13th, the Feast of St Lucy. This Wolf sees here ominous portents- that not only is Europe about to suffer catastrophe of the material order, but most likely an even greater one of the spiritual order. One might speculate that Pope Frantic and his Henchmen are about to wipe away the last traces of the Light of Faith from the Conciliar Church, and render it completely sterile. Furthermore, given the cowardice of most Traditional Priests in light of the Plandemic/Scamdemic of 2020, this Wolf is not putting much hope in a last minute rallying of what is left of the Traditional Faith.
Needless to say, the World is completely dysfunctional. Never in a hundred lifetimes could this Wolf imagine that men could be such cowards, and so stupid. They act as though God is mocked. And meanwhile the mantra from many clergy is that "it's always been this bad". Sorry, but it has not. Last Spring, at the burial of a Rainbow Child at St Patrick's Cathedral, we witnessed theatre that would have made Robespierre and his fellow French Revolutionaries blush. Never have Open Sodomites pranced and danced in what purports to be a Catholic Sanctuary, while cowed clergy looked on. (St Patrick's was reduced to an Abomination of Desolation decades ago, along with the whole archdiocese.)
This Wolf expects grim war, oceans of bloodshed, anarchy, famine, starvation, and, above all, the defiant shouts of the faithless and the possessed.
Demons run every facet of the Modern World, which is Hurtling towards the Second Coming, because God will not be mocked.
If you get your head out of the Empire of Lies, you might see things differently. NATOstan isn’t the sum of humanity.