This Wolf has always admired Randy Engel. Her book, "Sex Education- The Final Plague" published way back in 1989, was absolutely groundbreaking, showing the link between such organizations as the Rockefeller Foundation, Planned Parenthood, Public School Systems, and the "Abortion Industry". She even documented how anti-life and Anti-God thinking was infiltrating Conciliar Catholic Parochial Schools. Some fifteen years later, she would publish "The Rite Of Sodomy", the first comprehensive expose of the Lavender Mafia and its infiltration of the Catholic Church. While she did not by any stretch of the imagination arrive at the bottom of that deep and sinister rabbit hole, she provided more than ample documentation that something was very, very rotten in the Vatican of Leo XIII and Pius X. (And, given the absolute abhorrence of the Vatican for the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima starting in 1917, it is not hard to extrapolate from there.)
Louie Verrecchio, over at "AKA Catholic", posted the following:
"The U.S. Coalition for Life (USCL), the nation’s oldest prolife research organization, is asking pastors of every prolife denomination throughout the United States to ring their church bells at NOON local time on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 – the 52nd anniversary of Roe V. Wade – in loving memory of the millions of unborn children that have since been lost to abortion. CHURCH BELLS FOR LIFE is a clarion call to the entire Prolife Movement to renew its commitment to securing a Constitutional Human Life Amendment, one that acknowledges and protects the life of unborn children at all stages of human development."
Sorry Louie, but that Ship sailed over forty years ago. By 1980, it was patently obvious that the politicians in Washington were not serious about protecting the unborn. While some devoted much hot air to the topic, they obviously were not concerned about Eternal Hellfire or the Wrath of God over Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance. By 1980, the Social Gospel, which was rampant in the rapidly decaying Protestant and Conciliar Churches, was much more importance than quaint issues regarding Marital Morality and Holy Purity. (Of course, we now know that was just a Dog-And-Pony show. The American Hierarchy and their Fellow Predators in both Church and Government never gave a tinker's damn about the poor and downtrodden.) Moreover, neither Louie or Randy has apparently gotten the memo- which Michael Matt broadcasted from the housetops, that The Donald has no problem with First Trimester Abortions, and criticized an initiative by Florida Governor Ron De Santis that would limit abortions to the first seven weeks of a pregnancy as "too restrictive". This Wolf suggests that the Austrian Painter would have sooner had a cliche of International Bankers running the German Economy than The Donald supporting a Constitutional Amendment to protect the Unborn. Moreover, seeing as how the 2nd and 4th Amendments are routinely shredded by "Law Enforcement" and various and sundry Government Agencies, even if such an Amendment was passed, who would enforce it? Certainly not the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Industrial-Complex.
“'Bells for Life,' explained Randy Engel, the founder of the USCL, 'should ring out loudest in Washington, D.C., so that President Donald Trump, who will be inaugurated just two days earlier, may come to understand that his greatest possible legacy will come from taking the lead in protecting the lives of millions of pre-born American citizens from the barbaric practice of abortion, whether conceived in their mother’s womb or in a laboratory.'
“'I think that most in the prolife community believe that God protected President Trump from an assassination attempt so that he might gain a renewed appreciation for the priceless gift of life. As President of the United States, he has a unique opportunity to express his gratitude to God by extending that same protection to countless unborn human beings. And there is no better way than backing a no-exception Constitutional Human Life Amendment,' Engel noted."
While the Clanging of Church Bells might cause a few of the Demons to flee the Washington Swamp, both Louie and Randy seem oblivious to the basic facts stated above. Moreover, Randy Engel apparently has not considered that the "Trump Assassination Attempt" was completely fake and ghey. To suggest that "God protected Donald Trump" borders on blasphemy at this point. Why would God protect somebody who presided over a fake plandemic, retained obviously incompetent men such as Dr Anthony Fauci, and whose solution to the psyop was the "warp speed vaccine" which even mainstream sources are now begrudgingly admitting did nothing and probably killed thousands.
The level of sheer, utter stupidity, and the obvious terror of being on the wrong end of the equation in modern society, has far exceeded what this Wolf thought would be an absolute breaking point. And in tandem with this is a Spiritual Blindness which can only be described as preternatural, a complete distortion of the Mercy and Justice of God. People act as though no consequences will ensue for their idleness, drunkenness, impurities, and carousing, all of which have been repeatedly condemned by St Paul in his epistles. They still seem to act as though America is somehow at root a Godly country and that all the horrors we see around us are only so many deviations from the norm, rather than indications of a systemic rot that now runs rampant especially through "Law Enforcement" and the Medical Racket. The very institutions that supposedly are the remnants of Christendom have become the very manifestations of the utter rot that permeates the New Sodom.
As a rule, this Wolf avoids watching videos of Cop Encounters, because they tend to make his blood boil. But recently, he was watching some bodycam footage that has to be seen to be believed. (And he can thank the cops for being dumber than dumb. In one video, for example, a completely bogus "drug dog sniffout" was being conducted. The veteran cop turned his camera away, because he knew what was coming. But dummy rookie just watched, and his camera rolled, as the K-9 officer tapped on the door, the drug dog responded by "indicating the presence of narcotics", and then was given a treat for his "good behavior".) At one scene, cops force an obviously distressed man from an ambulance at the insistence of an obviously incompetent paramedic. The man staggers to a bench and collapses beside the bench, and the paramedics and about ten cops just stand around for about a minute until they decide the man just might need medical attention. (The man subsequently died shortly thereafter.) In the 1970's, the absurdity of this affair might have provoked laughter on a Saturday Night Live Skit. But this is the utterly black moral landscape of 2025. At another scene, a woman is asleep on the shoulder of a major highway and officers are called to the scene. Officers Dumb and Dumber see that the lady is intoxicated, exhausted, in desperate straits, and far from home. Despite having her identification and what is probably a plethora of personal information, they make no effort to contact a family member, church, or charity, and do not even give her a ride to a gas station two miles away where perhaps someone might help her. No, they direct her to keep walking along the road, where she is subsequently struck and killed fifteen minutes after they leave.
Both these incidents eventually made the radar screen on social media, and local politicians were rending their proverbial garments over how these events could have possibly happened. In the latter incident, a lawyer representing these two deputies had the audacity to suggest they did nothing wrong, since giving people rides was not standard procedure. (I guess he never heard the Parable of the Good Samaritan.) Sorry guys, but the veneer is obviously cracking and falling off in massive flakes at this point.
On New Years Day, videos of lightning strikes on the Washington Monument, the Capitol Building, and the Empire State Building were very widespread. While the National Weather Service (another cosmic joke that won't even admit the chemtrails are real) insists the nearest strike that night was somewhere in Arlington Virginia- not that lightning is something common in January, be that as it may- the videos nevertheless gained traction.
This Wolf would suggest that anybody living on Manhattan Island or anywhere in the DC Swamp had better start packing much sooner than later.