A large part of General Patton's Combat Philosophy was to "hit them where they ain't" and this is precisely what Our Lady did at Lourdes, France. Unlike La Salette or Fatima, Our Lady only appeared to one visionary. Unlike La Salette, Our Lady appeared multiple times. Like Fatima, the apparitions were over a period of approximately six months. Unlike Fatima, multiple apparitions appeared on consecutive days, and Our Lady did not indicate in advance when she would appear. Like Fatima, all the apparitions had many witnesses (at least to the mysterious ecstasies of Little Bernadette, which were so intense that when a flame was placed to her foot on one occasion, neither did she feel the heat nor was any physical damage done) and all the events are thoroughly documented. Also, like Fatima, Lourdes stirred a considerable amount of public controversy and opposition from the civil and religious authorities, with the Agnostic Mayor finally placing a barricade around the grotto to prevent access, and the broader national authorities declaring the waters of the Lourdes Spring contaminated and making it a criminal offense to gather the healing waters.
Unlike Fatima or La Salette, Our Lady gave Bernadette no secrets. She exhorted Little Bernadette to exhort the pilgrims to pray the rosary and to do "penance, penance, penance". Her greatest bombshell was reserved for the Pastor at the local parish, who was hostile to the apparitions. Our Lady ordered Little Bernadette to tell the Reverend Dominique Peyramale that "I AM The Immaculate Conception".
Even the two most ardent devotees to Our Dear Lady, Sts Alphonsus Ligori and Louis Marie De Montfort, even as they venerated Our Lady's unique relation to the Most Holy Trinity, as Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son, and Spouse of the Holy Ghost, would have recoiled from such language. Theological precision and Divine Truth Itself required that this Most August Creature of the Most High should make this revelation concerning her closeness to the Godhead and singular position in all of creation. Those of us devoted to Our Lady greet this revelation with complete joy. The Church Fathers have always insisted that about Our Lady, we can never say enough.
Apparently not even Our Lady can even ever say enough about herself, and it is likely that even after an eternity one will not be able to comprehend Our Lady, the First Thought of the Eternal Godhead, almost like a Fourth Person, but obviously not, as God remains Three in One and One in Three.
Devotion to Our Lady, which had grown cold since the Great Schism of 1054, could now be rekindled. And devotion to Our Lady is that which will overcome the attacks of the Devil.
The ultimate goal of Satan and the Satanists is really quite simple, once all the pomps are stripped away. Both Hell and its Agents ultimately want to destroy everything, including, nay, especially, themselves. This is what Our Lord Jesus Christ meant when He declared Satan to be a Liar and Murderer from the Beginning. Many see that "Great Battle In Heaven" between Michael the Archangel and Satan as being something concluded. In one sense it is, from the point of view of Revelation because we know the final outcome. But in another sense it is not, because time is of the order of nature and creation, and even though Satan is far above us in knowledge and cunning, he is yet preternatural, and cannot discern the supernatural and his ultimate defeat. That is why a Devil, during an exorcism, could rightly state when ordered to admit Hell's defeat at the Hand of the Eternal Victim that "the outcome has not been decided yet."
Our Lady, at the Foot of the Cross, is witness to the ultimate struggle of Satan to annihilate all of creation, creating, as it were, a cosmic wormhole into nothingness, a vacuum that would swallow all creation and, if possible, even God Himself. In our day, this struggle manifests in the Paradoxically named "Existential Philosophies", which seek to deny the ultimate existence of everything, and conclude that at bottom all is chaos and meaninglessness. The Topmost Satanists are well aware that the "Workers' Paradise" of the Progressives is nothing but an illusion and a chimera they employ to fool the masses, and they play one version of "Progress" against another.
(Which is exactly what makes these people so damned dangerous. Some of their partisans, such as Pius XII, can sound so royally Catholic even while promoting Freemasonic blarney. They are expert at creating false "conservatism" which is nothing but a very clever shade of the Revolution. Thank God Our Lady of Fatima unmasks them, by ultimately revealing, by their lack of devotion to her, whose Master they truly are. In the end, nobody can have God for his Father who does not have Our Lady for his Mother. The diabolical root of Protestantism, for example, is clearly revealed in its hostility to Our Lady, who they denigrate as "That Little Jewish Girl".)
Our Lady, at the Foot of the Cross, looks through the fog and horror of an infinitude of sins that, as it were, buries her Son under an avalanche of filth. And, herself having plumbed those depths to unknown levels, calls yet further down. Abyssus Abyssum Invocat. (Deep is calling upon Deep, as the Psalmist put it.)
Some years ago, Pope Frantic, according to Italian journalist Eugenio Scalfari, said that the souls of the damned are ultimately annihilated. That is what Satanists believe. That is why they become completely cynical and narcissistic here below. Ultimately, only two things delight them, pain and hate. And that is why they invert everything and practically worship their phallic symbols, because they wish to take that which creates- at least, that which they have access to- and make of it an instrument of destruction by inverting purpose. This is the purpose of both their orgies and their promotion of contraception and debauchery. And this is why they deify the Nation as the means to their end.
This error, one of the Errors of Russia, Caesaropapism, is at the foundation of Kabbalistic Communism, which exalts the state, the collective, the "brotherhood" above the individual. And Our Lady's warning "Various Nations will be Annihilated" is a solemn assurance that the Idol of Modern Man, the Socialist Superstate, will be utterly thrown down and destroyed. This is what St John foretold when in the Apocalypse he declared that Death itself shall be cast into the pool of fire.
(We see this everywhere today. Law and order are completely inverted. The Courts and Agencies serve the Satanic Pederasts, and persecute anyone who would expose them, while meanwhile religion has become mere sentimental exercise.)
With her assurance to Little Bernadette that "I Am The Immaculate Conception", Our Lady immersed herself in an Ocean of Ontology, the very antipode of modernism, which declares that everything is ultimately in a state of Becoming, not Being.
Both Modern Clergy and Modern Popes alike have shown themselves deaf to this Epochal proclamation of Our Lady, subsequently explicitly revealing who their Father is, all pious words notwithstanding.