On September 19th, 1846, at about the time a Good Priest would be saying the office of Nones, Our Lady of Sorrows, weeping, appeared to two Children, Melanie Calvet and Maximin Giraurd, on an alpine meadow near La Salette, France, and gave them a frightening Eschatological Message. That is all we know for certain.
What we also know for certain is that the "Secret" of Melanie Calvet was tampered with. Several versions of it exist, which will be examined in due course.
In a progression of events similar to what happened in Fatima Portugal, it was the devotion of local pilgrims and several miracles which eventually spread word far and wide. (Tragically, we do not know the details of those critical first few days and weeks, unlike at Fatima and Lourdes.) Consequently, the hierarchy of the diocese, had a prolonged conference from the end of November into the beginning of December 1947, headed by the Bishop of Grenoble, Philibert de Bruillard. He would approve the Apparitions as worthy of belief.
However, the Cardinal Primate of France, Louis Jacques Maurice de Bonald, who had liberal tendencies- the importance of which will be seen momentarily, was hostile to the Apparitions, and had the children brought to him the next year, 1848. He demanded, under a pretext from a mandate from the pope, that they tell him their secrets. (Maximin and Melanie had both received revelations some of which they might divulge immediately, and "secrets" which could only be unveiled in due time.) Some months later, both would write their "secrets" under supervision, and under duress. Melanie in particular caused a stir when, in the course of writing her secret, she asked how to spell the word "Antichrist". The text of the two private secrets were purportedly handed to Pope Pius IX on the 18th of July 1851 but both were mysteriously lost, most conveniently for the forces of evil. Although it is said that Pius IX rejoiced at having read the secret, he never had it published, which is tragic because, obviously, the ensuing mayhem would have been impossible.
Politically speaking, Our Lady's timing was impeccable. In 1846 France suffered from economic instability and a poor harvest. Meanwhile, the fragile monarchy of Louis Philippe was rocked by the partisans of the Revolution on the left and the conservatives advocating a full restoration of the Monarchy on the right. Both seized upon the popularity of La Salette as fodder for their agenda, the conservatives obviously promoting the idea that God was punishing the Revolution, while the liberals naturally concluded that if they could expose La Salette as a fraud, "Medieval Superstition" might not be able to recover from the blow.
The first salvo was supplied from a surprising source, the Holy Cure of Ars. Close to the Cure was one Abbe Raymond, who accused Maximin of fabricating lies, and provoked the lad to utter a bombastic remark: "Well, have it then that I am a liar, and have seen nothing." Unfortunately, it was true that Maximin had fabricated stories to relieve himself of studying and labors, which he apparently consequently confessed to the Cure of Ars. Consequently, the Cure was convinced Maximin could not have seen the Virgin Mary, and, while previously distributing medals of Our Lady of La Salette and promoting the event, would now become hostile for a period of about six years.
Meanwhile, on the 16th of November 1851, the Bishop of Grenoble stated that the matter of La Salette was now officially closed and that any further witness of the two seers would not be supported by the Church.
Melanie would go on to enter a convent. But it was reported that she was too preoccupied with discussing Freemasonic Conspiracies and being too much of a gabbing Annie to have a religious vocation. After a stormy three years or so, she left the religious life. Following this, her life was anything but stable, with sojourns to Ireland, Greece, and Italy, just to name a few. ( One must keep in mind the overall political instability of the time, especially the Franco-Prussian War and the Wars for Italian "Unification", both of which occurred around 1870.) Melanie went from the proverbial pillar to post, and in the years between especially 1870 and 1880 she wrote various "secrets" which were likely embellished by various and sundry partisans for their own political ends.
What this Wolf notes most of all is the glaring inconsistencies in her "biography", which has her living a very celestial childhood being visited by angels and talking to animals after being banished from home, with testimony that Melanie's parents were a rather pious couple strenuously trying to provide for their ten children. This, of course, is grist for the mills of those out to discredit Melanie, which were not a few, including "Progressives" in the Church.
Now, it is easy to dismiss all of La Salette as being merely "private revelation" and not wanting to become entangled in all the controversy, and this Wolf does not dispute that one is perfectly free to do so, with no consequence to the Holy Faith. (The same CANNOT be said of Lourdes and Fatima!) But for those who wish to proceed, a few observations are in order.
First, Satan is neither stupid nor inexperienced, and also aware he has only a limited amount of time. For these reasons, Our Lord has warned that " The children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light". Now, his most successful ploy has always been the manufacture of entities that APPEAR holy and wise, but are anything but. One must be on guard against very corrupt persons who have "an appearance indeed of godliness, but denying the power thereof". With such people Satan then can go on to manufacture narratives which make it APPEAR the Revolution is being fought, even as the latter advances, which was the case all during the 19th Century.
The two seers were perhaps their own worst enemies. Rather than maintaining a close contact, they each went their separate ways, which made them vulnerable to their enemies. Moreover, they likely, through lack of prayer and discernment, overlooked opportunities provided by the Holy Ghost to further Our Lady's designs.
In any event, this Wolf is going to suggest that Melanie Calvet checked into a Carmelite Convent in Darlington England in 1855, but an impostor emerged in 1860. (Given the fraudulent "Sr Lucia" we have had since 1967, this is not out of the realm of possibility.) Meanwhile, the Secret of La Salette was tampered with, and additions made. And now this Wolf is going to attempt to discern which parts of the Secret are authentic, and have the same resonance as the Message of Fatima given on July 13th 1917, and which are entirely fake and ghey. Before doing so, this Wolf will note another device of Satan: he rarely distorts the truth. Instead, he adds to it. For example, when he tempted Eve, he knew that she would not ultimately die because of the mercy of God and His Divine Plan, which would have been rendered impossible had Adam and Eve been condemned. But what he told her was that: You shall be like gods, knowing good and evil. Of course, he did not give her the flip side, which was that she and Adam must henceforth suffer the consequences of Divine Wrath, and be in constant peril of Eternal Damnation. In like manner, Satan does not detract from the secret but in his monstrous pride broadcasts it with his additions.
Before proceeding, this Wolf is also going to note that the secret was allegedly condemned by the Holy Office in 1915 and 1923, under the pontificates of Benedict XV and Pius XI, respectively. Many Catholics took this to mean everything regarding La Salette had been condemned, and that also speculating on the person of the Antichrist had been condemned, as Anthony Stine reported recently. This Wolf is not going to debate the Ultramontanes here other than to say that, given the reality of the "pontificate" of Pope Frantic, one obviously proceeds along the path of religiously trusting in Rome at great peril.
As for Melanie's account, the first proof that the authenticity of this is ludicrous is when Our Lady apparently cannot distinguish the nuances for this particular French dialect regarding potatoes and says "You do not understand, my children. I will tell it to you another way." Imagine that. The Mother of the Word Incarnate and Spouse of the Holy Ghost, the Giver of Tongues, is confounded by language.
"Our Lady" will now chatter about a famine and children dying in a mother's arms and the grapes rotting and not even to bother planting wheat, because the seeds will just rot.
But after this utter nonsense, events now take a dramatic turn: "Priests, my Son's ministers...by their evil life, irreverences and impiety in celebrating the holy mysteries, love of money, love of honor and pleasures, have become sewers of impurity. Yes, priests call forth vengeance, and vengeance is suspended over their heads... The sins of persons consecrated to God cry to heaven and call for vengeance, and now here is vengeance at their very doors, for no longer is anyone found to beg mercy and pardon for the people; there are no more generous souls, no one is worthy of offering the spotless Victim to the Eternal on the world's behalf.
”God will strike in an unparalleled manner. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! God will exhaust His anger, and no one will be able to escape so many evils at once. The heads, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has darkened their minds; they have become those wandering stars which the ancient devil will drag with his tail to destruction. God will permit the ancient serpent to sow divisions among rulers, in all societies and in all families; both physical and moral punishments will be suffered. God will abandon men to themselves."
These words do have the august tone of the Most Holy Mother of God.
But now we get more nonsense concerning Pius IX, the Emperor Napoleon (who was not reigning at the time of the apparitions) and what appears to be a series of boasts from the Masonic Lodges concerning the political future of Europe. Of most interest to this Wolf are these words: "The Holy Father will suffer greatly. I shall be with him till the end to receive his sacrifice." These almost appear to be a convolution of these famous words by Canon Roca: "The Papacy will fall; it will die under the hallowed knife which the fathers of the last council will forge. The Papal Caesar is a host [victim] crowned for the sacrifice."
But now we come to what are perhaps the most famous words of Our Lady of La Salette: "Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist."
Just for fun, here is a criticism of these words some time before the ascension to the Chair of Peter by Pope Frantic. "There is such a fullness of power vested in this [Roman] Church that it admits other churches to a share in its responsibility; amid many of these, especially the patriarchal churches, the same Roman Church has honoured with various privileges. Yet always its special position has remained intact, both in general councils and in some others. Amen. What is obvious is that the sensus [the meaning] of the above text [Patstor Eaternus] entirely and absolutely excludes any possibility that the Church of Rome could ever fall away from the True Faith, as had, for example, the Church of Constantinople at least five times: Under the Patriarchs Nestorius, Acacius, Sergius the Monothelite, Photius and Michael Caerularius... What would one be obliged, then, to make, if someone sidled up and claimed to have received revelations that the Church of Rome would fall? Dismiss this nonsense with the contempt due, of course! Any doubts?" (This Wolf knows... we have had over a decade now of Pope Frantic. So try hard not to laugh uproariously.)
We can now safely say at this point that those words echo the Third Secret of Fatima. All is being unveiled for those with eyes to see.