Our Lady of Fatima, Giving Unlettered Shepherd Children the Cliff's Notes for Armageddon.
The Grand Convergence- Where All Rabbit Holes Meet
In my last post, largely theoretical, about how John F Kennedy was groomed for the presidency years in advance and how PT-109 was probably a staged event, some of you probably came to the conclusion that this wolf is off his rocker. Well, that would be true if PT-109 is looked at in isolation. But now let us look at the Big Picture.
All began, of course, in the Garden of Eden, with a Woman, a Tree, and a Snake. The Woman was promised that, if she followed the advice of the Snake, she would become as God, knowing good and evil, and then could use this knowledge to fashion the world after her pleasure, irregardless of the designs of God. Of course, the Snake did not mention the flip side of that venture- that she would drag the world
down to the realm of death, causing death and destruction through all of creation, from the stars above to the magma far, far below the surface.
Since that time, humanity has essentially been divided into two factions, those who humbly bow to truth, and those who wish to create their own truth. Those who wish to create their own truth wish to be gods. They seek immortality, omniscience, and omnipotence independent of the divine plan, and they foolishly think they can enlist demons and the preternatural in this venture. Needless to say, they are blind idiots.
At the time of the crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the sordid tale was repeated. The perfidious Jews, rejecting redemption through a life of self-abnegation, the purging of lower appetites, and the quest to exalt the spiritual, resented and then hated their Messiah, Master, and Savior. And they got some cowardly magistrates of the Roman Empire to participate in their handiwork, and, meanwhile, the Apostles all turned into cowards, to a greater or lesser degree, and utterly lost faith and confidence in their Master.
Fortunately, thanks largely to the prayers and sorrows of Our Lady, the Apostles recovered their zeal, which was consummated by the Holy Ghost come Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of our Holy Mother the Church. And so the battle was joined. The Perfidious Jews, for their part, did not slink away. At first, they directly persecuted the Apostles. Seeing that failing, they enlisted the help of the Roman Emperors, whose finances they controlled. (And you thought this only started with the House of
Rothschild- no, that is just a front organization...) But then came Constantine, who was told that in the Sign of the Cross he would conquer. And so he did. And so operation infiltration began. At first, the Jews tried to befuddle Christians with one heresy after another concerning the person of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Aryanism, Monothelitism, Adoptionism, Collyridianism, Docetism, Nestorianism, and a plethora of other mutilations of the Holy Trinity, the Divine Maternity, and the Divine Economy. But these only succeeded in giving us the beautiful Nicene Creed, and many wonderful dogmatic definitions.
Around 600AD or so, the Jews finally hit upon some winning strategies. The first was the creation of the Muslim religion by inducting Bedoin fanatics into a cult that promised booty and blood lust all under cover of doing the will of god, who would reward them with a heaven of material delights and sensuous women. Twas a win/win scenario for the hedonistic materialist. The second was to exploit the long standing rift between St Peter the pragmatist and St John the mysticist. What started as a little spat recorded in the last chapter of the Gospel of St John grew, like an acorn into a mighty oak, through the writings of the Eastern Fathers Polycarp, Iraneus, Cyril, Methodius, and Chrysostom, into a rift that, exacerbated by the politics of Constantine, that saw Constantinople grow into the political, cultural, and military center of Christendom while the Roman Pontiffs came to reside in a backwater, Rome losing population through sacks and emmigration to the point where by the time of St Benedict it was a slum of barely fifty thousand souls. Then Rome came under the sway of the Aryan Visigoths, and then changed hands several times between Byzantium, Celts (believe it or not), and autonomous rule. The popes, resentful of the status quo, finally made the fateful decision in 900 AD to pronounce Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor, sealing the fate of what eventually blossomed into the Great Schism of 1054, the first permanent victory for the enemies of Christendom, the Muslim conquests notwithstanding.
The Jews and their fellow travelers would now capitalize on this victory by doing what they do best- bridle the opposition by proposing false dichotomies and false solutions to the problems they themselves create. And so the Jews would pit Crusaders against Saracens, the Inquisition against Cathars, Protestants against Crowns, and soforth.
God did from time to time raise up great saints, like Bonaventure, Francis, Catherine of Sienna, St Vincent Ferrer, and etc to muddle the works. But, at best, these just gave a temporary reprieve, but could not roll back the cleaving of Christendom. And so, finally, a truly winning strategy was forged by pitting infiltration from within (the
Medici popes) against revolt from without (the "reformers" Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and Cramner, just to name a few). Since then, to say that Christendom became split by confusion is to vastly understate the situation.
The next big step came in 1776 and 1789, in North America and France, respectively. In North America the Revolution was carried out by gentlemen wearing wigs heading committees of correspondence In France it was carried out by demented anarchists who hated the established order. (Both groups were financed by the Jews.) Both parties were quickly recruited into the war against a decaying political Christendom. In North America, huge chunks of lands missionized by the Spanish and French were gobbled and assimilated in the name of manifest destiny, which saw troops in Mexico City come 1848. (The conquest was truly breathtaking, and aided every step of the way by turncoats in Spain and paid mercenaries in the "land of the free".) In Europe, things would proceed a little differently, through the "enlightenment" advocated by corrupt monarchs and supposed revolutionaries that culminated, in that same fateful year as the war in Mexico, in the Revolutions of 1848. The Traditions of Christendom were being swept from the face of the earth, to be replaced by a secular, godless "culture" that was the breeding ground for every vice under the sun as it denied the purpose and supernatural destiny of mankind.
The conspirators, in their somber dens of iniquity, were elated at their success, and decided, somewhere around 1850, to embark on their master plan, the use of 4 world wars to usher in their "New World Order". This plan had two prongs. One was the destruction of the institution of marriage. The other was the destruction of the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass.
In 1870, the first phase of the plan was begun. This phase had two major parts. The first was the Franco-Prussian war. The second was the First Vatican Council, and, specifically, the definition of papal infallibility.
The political picture is easy to see here. When the dust settled from the choreographed Franco-Prussian war, where somehow the French were never able to get supplies while the Prussians had vastly superior weapons, a powerful German Empire faced the British and the humiliated French, setting the stage for the "First World War". Central Europe was on the ascendency, ready to compete on the world
stage for industrial markets and resources, causing tensions that would only rise over the next 40 years.
But the First Vatican Council?? Yes, the damage was done with the definition of papal infallibility. It was not so much the definition itself, which was essentially circular, that was the problem. Rather, the application was the cause of much confusion, and later, resentment. The Vatican, even while its earthly suzereignship was being stripped away, was actually gaining in political ascendancy.
Unfortunately, the Church had already fatally compromised with the Revolution via the ill-fated concordat signed between Napoleon and Pius VII, which essentially recognized the new political reality and legalized extortion, thievery, arson, and murder, at least to the extant that the popes would not demand justice for crimes committed against altar and throne. The Revolution had of course taken this as a sign of weakness, and so proceeded to denude the papacy of lands it had ruled since time immemorial, and nullify its political power in the emerging democracies of Europe.
This, however, had the effect of causing millions of disenfranchised Catholics to turn to the pope as the last bastion of Catholic order and militancy. If their culture was being attacked on the streets, at least it would be reinforced in the sanctuary, or so they thought. Little did they know that the papacy had long since been infiltrated, and that only appearances were being kept. The message of La Salette had already been mutilated, made to look like material for a tabloid journal rather than a sublime warning from the Mother of God. Of course, vital little tidbits did leak. "The priests are cesspools of iniquity" "Rome would lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist." But this was all balanced by an "Apparition of St Michael" (we can take Leo XIII's word on it- can't we?) where Lucifer (Satan, prince of demons, for the uninitiated...) was told by Our Lord Jesus Christ he would be given one hundred years to destroy the church.
Roughly concurrent to these events, we have the famous letter written by Grand Master Albert Pike in North America to Guisppe Mazzini, the Italian Revolutionary, detailing how, through three world wars, humanity would be led to a New World Order, dominated by occult masonry. (For those doubting the authenticity of this letter, the astute researcher can find quotes going back to 1920.) This letter uncannily describes the second world war, and a third world war quite plausible in 2023, as this is being written.
In the next post, we will see how Our Lady of Fatima referenced this letter, and how she clearly warned the world this plot was all too real, and how God allows this because sinful men drank deeply then, and drink deeply now, of the secular and hedonistic paradise created by the conspirators through technology and finance, and how men disregard the inestimable gifts God gave them through the Redemption wrought by His Only Begotten Son.