Our Lady- God's First Thought From Eternity
The Heavens and the Earth were Created so that the Child Jesus might Fall Asleep on His Mother's Lap.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Doctrine of the Trinity holds that the Son proceeds from the Father, and the Holy Ghost from the Father and Son. This Procession is not in time, but in eternity. Eternity is on the one hand an instantaneous unfolding, and on the other a profound stillness, as God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Words fail to describe Eternity, because all words proceed from the Word, which is Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Uttered, yet Unutterable, Word of God.
We poor humans cannot even grasp the difference between being and nothingness. Husserl tried, but failed. Ask any child how to represent nothing, and he will draw the number zero. There are no sheep in the pasture. That is nothing. No, that is something. A mathematician can better appreciate nothingness- comes a little closer to it. Ask any child what nine divided by zero is and he will instantly reply- zero. Then ask him what times zero equals nine, and he will be puzzled. Zero is a solution to the problem nine minus nine, but nine divided by zero has no solution. The mathematician says it is the "empty set". But alas, even the empty set is something. "Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could," says Maria Von Trapp in the Sound of Music. Profounder words have rarely been said.
Our Lady was only too aware of her nothingness. As Our Lord said to Saint Catherine of Sienna: "I Am He Who Is. You are she who is not." And yet this Wolf dares say that Our Lady was God's first thought from Eternity. "With thee is the principality in the day of thy strength: in the brightness of the saints: from the womb before the day star I begot thee," God says of His Son. So that Womb must have been around a long time. "Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and made thee a prophet unto the nations," God told Jeremiah. How much more so the one who told St Bernadette: "I Am the Immaculate Conception"?
One can perfectly understand why Satan so seeks to deface the image of women, out of hatred for this Woman. One can perfectly comprehend how he goads his adepts to the most perverse and vile mutilations of bodies, and perversion of the marital embrace. One can now see how this whole "transgender movement" must certainly be a harbinger of the Last Days and the Reign of the Antichrist, as Hell's War against Womanhood and Motherhood reaches its culmination.
Satan tempted Eve to commit the Original Sin so that he might capture the fruit of her womb, especially that Fruit that was destined to bring God Incarnate into the world to inhabit the temple Adam and his animals were to build. Satan planned that Adam would then build a temple to Himself, Lucifer, the Ancient Serpent, while all the while convincing Adam he was building a Temple to Himself, Adam, the supposed center of the universe. "The Religion of God made Man has dialogued with the Religion of Man who Makes himself God," Paul VI would tell the United Nations.
The Mystics have all said that Holy Mother Church would follow, through the centuries, mystically, the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And so just as Our Lord Jesus Christ was born, lived in obscurity, and then manifested Himself at the age of 30, so Our Holy Mother the Church lived in a sort of obscurity for centuries, easily being misrepresented and divided, and divided again, to the point where her enemies think they have won. Vatican II, with its sordid heresies, definitely seemed to be the point where Holy Mother Church was delivered to her sophist enemies who had infiltrated her, and the unleashing of the "New Mass" was her scourging, while the other "New Sacraments", which threaten to deprive her clergy of the Apostolic Succession, are a Crowning of Thorns. And with Pope JP2 she has walked the footsteps of Calvary. Pope Frantic has nailed her to the Cross, and now she is dying. Soon she shall be dead and laid in the tomb.
Our Lady came to Fatima to indicate to us that we are to wait with her in the cenacle, while the Apostles apostatise and lose the deposit of Faith. "One day, through the Rosary and the scapular, I will save the world," Our Lady told St Dominic Guzman, in the hearing of St Francis of Assisi. During the reign of Antichrist, the prophet Daniel said the continual sacrifice- the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass- will cease.
Stay with Our Lady. Keep vigil by the Tomb. The coming Resurrection will be most glorious indeed. "In the End, My Immaculate Heart will triumph." "If the Vision delays, wait for it. It will surely come. It will not disappoint!"
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!
Are you Elias or Enoch