This Wolf does have a talent for being Cancelled. He was booted from Catholic Info eons ago because he was not part of the Bishop Richard Williamson Amen Corner. He was more recently booted by Miss Happy Catholic from Trad Recovery Inc because he does not exactly think that Traditional Catholicism is the most toxic thing in America today, producing neurotic individuals. He has been banned from Anthony Stein's platform, Avoiding Babylon, Taylor Marshall, Matt Fraud, and various and sundry popular Traddom sites. He is the James Corbett of the Trad World. And now, not surprisingly, he has been banned over at the Remnant Forum.
He recently got the following reply: "Boy, it’s lively in here today. You need to stop seeing yourself as co-moderator of this website. People do not need a correction or an addition or a subtraction or a little jab from White Wolf every time they leave a comment on our site. And since you now want to troll anyone who is opposed to antisemitism -- something which exacerbates the problem and distracts from the point of this video , i.e., to stop the slaughter of children and non-military combatants in the Holy Land — I am left with no alternative but to put you on a timeout, as well."
Gee, and this Wolf thought the forum was a place to converse, dispute (with Christian Charity) and otherwise communicate with people, and perhaps even make some cyber-friends. Apparently, he was mistaken.
And so, with no further ado, this Wolf will air all those Evil Trolling Posts that the Remnant decided were just over the top and deleted. The reader should see a pattern here...
"Yaffah was wondering why the Remnant was tolerating 'antisemitism'. For the record, the Southern Poverty Law Center condemned the Remnant Forum for their 'antisemitism' years ago."
"The Mystery of Iniquity was personified in the Sanhedrin when they had Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ crucified by their cronies, the Romans. The culmination of the Mystery of Iniquity will be the reign of him of whom Our Lord Spoke when He said 'I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive.'" (Apparently, quotes from the Gospel of St John are off limits. Way too Antisemetic.)
"Congrats for seeing right through Pope Frantic. Stay in the Cenacle with Our Lady of Fatima while the Institutional Church hangs limply from the Cross, and you will do right fine." (This comment was in support of a very erudite post by another reader, and not sarcasm. That's Trolling for you.)
"Yes, JP2 at least sounded Catholic at times, and did keep up appearances, even while his favorite chum Marciel Maciel and now apparently his press secretary were flaming perverts. At any rate, the First 'Gulf War' was based on stuff and nonsense too. Events in the Middle East have been scripted for decades and decades now, going all the way back to the Balfour Declaration. Too bad Mr Matt did not talk about Lawrence of Arabia, the British and French Mandates, the Transfer Agreement, the King David Hotel Bombing, and all those other events that make James Bond movies dull by comparison.
Thankfully, Our Lady appeared at Fatima to get us ready for the Big Show, soon to be playing at an Apocalypse near you." (Must have criticized the Grand Puba too much. Soon The Donald will be incarcerating people for that.)
"I did appreciate Mr Matt's somewhat introspective comments regarding the situation in Syria, which has been turned into a hellhole by the various branches of Al-CIAda. I'm really not too worried about the 'Muslim Jihadists'. If I were going to lose sleep at night, it would be over what the Jewish Establishment that obviously owns both Washington and the Vatican is going to do about 'Anti-Semites' like myself."
"The 'Ceremony of the Restoration of Notre Dame' was just a party for the various Satanic Pederasts that dominate the world. There was nothing Catholic about anything. The Medieval Restoration is just window dressing. Now, maybe Notre Dame will be around after the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, but the United States of America sure as heck won't.
Let us not fall for the Kabuki Theatre of the Lavender Mafia. We are in a world of apostasy and the diabolical, and we must not fall for the reign of the Antichrist." (One supposes the Remnant frowns on those who think the Restoration of Notre Dame was somewhat less than a Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.)
Finally, this comment was "Detected as Spam":
"I do agree with Justin Trudeau that the current 'Indians' should be compensated for all the thefts, the broken treaties, and the atrocities which were perpetrated upon them by the Yankees and the French since 1641. For that matter, so far as God and Holy Mother Church is concerned, the entire continent of North America is still under the Spanish Crown, as per the Papal Line of Demarcation of 1493. (I didn't notice any expiration date.) And neither does the blood of innocents have an expiration date.
And yes, I said back then that the 2nd Invasion of Iraq- the first one was unjustified as well- would ultimately lead to WW3.
And of course, that has been planned for a long time.
Our Lady of Fatima, who??? (Tragic the Remnant is not into that Prophecy Stuff.)
Also, for the record, Kennedy was shot by the CIA, and the Moon Landings were fake and ghey. And Vitamin B is Rat Poison. And "viruses" are fake and ghey. And Galileo was wrong and the Earth is the center of the Universe. Truth does matter. And if you're not willing to investigate and pray for discernment, but more or less want to remain in sheeple world... well, shame on you.
Oh, and by the way, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin were much worse than the Austrian Painter and Mussolini. The wrong side won WW2. Thank the Boys on Normandy for making the world safe for Union Carbide, British Petroleum, and Royal Dutch Shell.
Oct 7th 2023 was a massive false flag. There were no Hamas attackers.
As for Syria, the country was destabilized by Al-CIAda Inc years ago.
And they have kept the Ukraine War, Syria, and etc on the back burner....
Oh, and did you notice Vlad Putin- a KGB Agent- gave a historic speech a few days ago demonizing Israel- and quite rightfully.
The final crucial Pawn Move of the endgame on Zbringnew Brizenski's Grand Chessboard is about to occur.
And the Evangelicals and the Rabid 'Zionists' are about to get a heck of a lot more Armageddon than what they ever bargained for.
Meanwhile, on the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we are not commemorating the Nativity. We are praying for the Second Coming.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Has it ever occurred to anyone that the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart will occur after the Second Coming, and that St John's chapter 20 of his Apocalypse is a literal narrative of coming history?
Think about it."
The White Wolf has apparently meddled with the Primal Forces of Nature on the Remnant Forum, and He! Will!... Atone! (Or be cancelled.)
Well, you do cast a long shadow wolf. It is truly mind boggling how few see through all of the psyops you list. I suspect that the Zio-Protestant Flat Earth and Antarctic Ice Wall psyops to name but two serves to frighten many a Trad from the necessary systemic dot-joining.
That's another tick in Dr Haugen's box, he concurs on all the psyops you list.